כרטיס עסק symphony of health

תחומי פעילות: טיפוח ויופי
שם בעלת העסק: Olivia Pinto אוליביה פינטו

פרטי התקשרות

כתובת האתר: symphealth.com
כתובת: הרצלייה
טלפון: 0545982818


Bridging health care, science and consciousness, the mission is to simplify our lives, and remain peaceful, efficient and in integrity – even under hectic circumstances. For instance: how to end the struggle with exhaustion, overwhelm and never ending TO DO lists…. in our personal and professional life.

GROUP: live & online lectures, workshops, seminars, courses

(INDIVIDUAL: one on one live or phone/Skype consultations (preferably, after attending a group activity